Monday, 15 January 2024

Vehicle Surround View

Apakah kamera seperti [10], dengan konektor rca to usb [11] dapat "dibaca" langsung di android atau minimal di linux dulu ? kalau bisa, bagaimana cara membaca ke empatnya sekaligus ? jika sudah bisa, coba pelajari dokumentasi terkait surround view [4]. 

Kalau ini bisa dilakukan, maka untuk membuat surround view di kendaraan kita, kita cukup  beli 4 buah kamera, konverter dan memanfaatkan device android yg kita punya.


  1. The 3D surround view on Jetson Tegra TX2 platform,
  2. Cogent Surround View,
  3. Vehicle surround view in Libxcam,
  4. Surround view system,
  5. Valeo releases the first multitask fisheye camera open source dataset, aiming to take automated driving to the next level,
  6. Automatic Surround Camera Calibration Method in Road Scene for Self-driving Car,
  7. Head Unit Android 10 inch Nakamichi NA3102i Legend Pro Hi-Res Cam 360,
  8. Mini WiFi Taffware IP Camera CCTV 1080P - A9,
  9. Kamera Mundur Parkir Mobil Car DVR 360 Degree Waterproof SONY Sensor,
  10. Kamera depan Mobil universal model bulat Car DVR 360 Degree Waterproof,
  11. Video capture card - 4 input rca to USB 2.0,
  12. Backup camera working with android,

Friday, 21 July 2023

Dragonfly : source-available, multi-threaded Redis® replacement built for modern cloud workloads


Migrasi Single Node Redis ke Dragonflydb

File backup redis : dump.rdb

Pastikan dragonlydb service sudah mati.

sudo systemctl stop dragonfly.service

load dump.rdb ke memory dengan dragonfly : 

sudo dragonfly --logtostderr --dbfilename dump

dengan redis-client, save ke format dfs :

save df

Hapus data lama, dan pindahkan data baru :

 sudo rm /var/lib/dragonfly/

dari path tadi menjalankan perintah  load dump.rdb :

sudo mv *.dfs /var/lib/dragonfly/

Jalankan dragonfly :

sudo systemctl start dragonfly.service

How to make dragonfly service start automatically in debian 12

To make the dragonfly.service start automatically in Debian 12, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run the following command to edit the dragonfly.service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/dragonfly.service
  1. In the dragonfly.service file, add the following lines to the [Unit] section:
Description=Dragonfly Service
  1. In the [Service] section, add the following lines:
  1. Save the dragonfly.service file and exit the nano editor.
  2. Run the following command to reload the systemd daemon:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  1. Run the following command to enable the dragonfly.service service to start automatically at boot:
sudo systemctl enable dragonfly.service
  1. Run the following command to start the dragonfly.service service:
sudo systemctl start dragonfly.service

The dragonfly.service service should now start automatically at boot and whenever your system restarts.


  1. Dragonfly,

Thursday, 16 February 2023



Untuk sync google sheet dan google docs files pastikan versi rsync yg digunakan adalah versi paling akhir. 

Untuk melakukan sync seluruh file .gsheet dan .gdoc dari remote jalankan perintah ini : 

rclone sync remote: --include "**/*.gsheet" /local/path/to/destination

rclone sync remote: --include "**/*.gdoc" /local/path/to/destination

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Thursday, 26 May 2022



Di [1] ada instruksi untuk mengubah settingan mysql menjadi : 

innodb_file_per_table = 1

character-set-server = utf8mb4
collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci

Konfigurasi ini, terutama : innodb_file_per_table,  jika diterapkan di TAO, apakah dapat meningkatkan performa nya ?

Single Sign On 

Matriks fitur module-modul SAML SSO yang ada

No Moodle Plugins Auto-create user  Auto-enroll Single Sign Off Limit concurrent login Dual Login
1 Authentication ::: auth_saml2sso v
v v v
2 Authentication ::: auth_saml2 v

Authentication ::: auth_saml2 

auth_saml2 | duallogin : Yes/No (Default Yes)

If on, then users will see both manual and a SAML login button. If off they will always be taken directly to the IdP login page.

If passive, then the users that are already authenticated into the IDP will be automatically logged in, otherwise they will be sent to Moodle login page.

If off, then admins can still see the manual login page via /login/index.php?saml=off

If on, then external pages can deep link into moodle using saml eg /course/view.php?id=45&saml=on

If set to test IdP connection, the network will be checked for connectivity, and if functional, SAML login will be initiated.


  1. MySQL full unicode support,
  2. Auto account creation, auto enroll,