Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Belajar Macro di Microsoft Office >= 2007

Status : Draft

Studi kasus, memodifikasi [1]. Untuk mengedit custom riboon, dapat menggunakan tool Custom UI Editor Tool [6]

Microsoft Office Windows

Untuk versi windows, bisa diunduh di [8]

Microsoft Office Mac 


Untuk instalasi secara manual, copy file

  1. banksoal2WordInstaller/Mac/banksoalStartup.dotm
ke dalam folder : /Users/{username}/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Word 
serta copy kedua file berikut :
  1. banksoal2WordInstaller/Mac/banksoalParagraf.dotx
  2. banksoal2WordInstaller/Mac/banksoalQuestion.dotx
ke  /Users/{username}/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Word

Untuk ke folder Users, dapat melalui menu : Go --> Computer --> Macintosh HD


  1. Moodle2Word,
  2. Record or run a macro,
  3. Getting Started with VBA in Word 2010,
  4. Customize the ribbon,
  5. Excel Ribbon - Add a Custom Tab,
  6. Custom UI Editor Tool,
  7. Office for Mac,
  8. banksoal2WordInstaller,

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

PHP Obfuscator

Status : Draft


  1. YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator,

Membangun E-Commerce dengan Static Site Generator

Status : Draft


Jekyll dibangun menggunakan Ruby [1] s.d [10]


Gatsby dibangun menggunakan React [11][12][14]


  1. Jekyll,
  2. Jekyll (or another static site generator) for client sites with e-commerce. Doable? ,
  3. Little Big Blue,
  4. ModernBlog,
  5. Gridster,
  6. dentistSmile,
  7. Siera,
  8. Twister,
  9. Jekyll Masonry,
  10. Freelancer,
  11. Gatsby, Blazing-fast static site generator for React,
  12. Can I build an e-commerce site with Gatsby?,
  13. JAMstack : JavaScript, APIs, Markup Stack,
  14. ReactJS E-Commerce With No Backend Using Snipcart & Gatsby,